A missing tooth can really perturb your lifestyle, especially your eating habits. You cannot possibly enjoy a fine steak or a good portion of a delicious meal if you are missing one tooth or worse, more than one teeth. Teeth are essential for your oral health and for you to continue enjoying your life alongside your daily meals, especially if you are a foodie nothing can be more painful than missing teeth. But accidentally or by simple process of aging we tend to lose our teeth. Getting dental implants done is a permanent and safe solution for missing teeth restoration.
For centuries there have been dental practitioners including dental surgeons who have performed various actions and taken various steps to compensate a missing tooth. Root canal treatments, installing various dentures, fixing bridges etc are some of the most common methods of tooth restorations. But all of them have a downside or some procedures are pretty painful as well as expensive. Dentures are often unreliable and need adhesive materials which are not good for oral health. Likewise, the root canal treatment and the bridge installation have their own disadvantages. Compared to conventional teeth restoration procedures dental implants are contemporary and are preferred now a days by most dental practitioners. But before you decide to go for it you must develop a good understanding of it.
#1. What do you mean by a dental implant?
Unlike other tooth restoration options, dental implants have more sustainable and decay proof options available. It is the most popular modern method of replacing a decaying or missing tooth. It supports healthy growth of the jaw bones and the implants get easily fused with the natural bones giving you the look and feel of an actual tooth. The main part of the implant is mostly crafted from titanium.
#2. Steps of dental implantation:
Implanting is a stepwise process that is elaborated below:
First a dental surgeon makes a small incision in the gum line where the tooth has gone missing. The incision serves as an opening that exposes the jaw bone. The titanium implant is then carefully placed in the jawbone itself where it integrates itself to the bone.
Next step is to fix a part known as the abutment to the implant that serves as the only connection between the implant and the crown portion. It is usually fixed to the implant with the help of minute screws. This part can be made up of titanium, porcelain, gold etc. depending on the implant design.
The final step of dental implants installation is to install the crown part that resembles an actual tooth to the abutment part. This tooth like part is also known as restoration. This part may be crafted from a specialized alloy of different metals combined with porcelain. There are variants of the restoration part that are entirely made of metal or pure porcelain. Sometimes depending on the implant design the abutment part may be skipped. Various permitted cementing materials or screws are used to install the crown part of the implant.
Unlike other dental treatments the dental implants and the implanting procedure do not affect the neighbouring healthy teeth or the gums.
# 3. What is the cost effectiveness of the dental implant?
The price of getting dental implants done greatly varies from one dentist to another. The implant itself can be easily obtained at fair prices from dealers and manufacturers but how much you pay for your implants purely depends on how much your dentist is willing to charge you. Standard rates begin at $700-$800 and can go up to any multiples of the amounts depending on your bargaining skills.